Val Plumwood
Val Plumwood (1939 - 2008) was a pioneering ecofeminist philosopher and activist.
Val Plumwood was born Val Morrell on August 11, 1939 on a poultry farm near Sydney. She studied philosophy at the University of Sydney and postgraduate logic at the University of New England. Val married John Macrae in 1958. She had two children, John and Caitlin.
In the 1970s, Val and her second husband Richard Routely moved to Plumwood Mountain, co-authoring the seminal book Fight for the Forests and engaging in anti-logging activism from the 1970s onwards. In 1985, Val survived a crocodile attack while kayaking in Kakadu National Park, transforming and widely publicising her more-than-human ethics.
Val received her PhD from the Australian National University in 1990, publishing her thesis into the now-classic book, Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. Her 2002 book, Environmental Culture, expanded her ecofeminist critique of anthropocentrism and the dualist logic connecting feminist, environmentalist, and decolonial struggles. Across her career, Val taught philosophy in a number of Australian universities and lectured internationally, including in the USA, Germany, Finland, Spain, Canada, Indonesia, Korea, Slovenia, and the UK.
Val died from a stroke on the 29th February 2008 and was laid to rest in an eco-burial in her garden on Plumwood Mountain, concretising her philosophical commitments to situate humans within ecological terms and the foodweb. In 2012, friends posthumously published a manuscript that she was working on at the time of her death as the Eye of the Crocodile.
While Val’s formidable thought survives in her four books and over 100 papers: her expansive gardens, stone house, and ecological activism pay homage to her lifelong commitment to embodied practice. She remains considered one of the world’s pre-eminent ecofeminist philosophers.
Texts by Val Plumwood
Papers of Val Plumwood at the ANU Butlin Archive
Val Plumwood Collection at the National Museum of Australia
Richard Sylvan Papers at the University of Queensland
Plumwood, V. (2012). The Eye of the Crocodile (L. Shannon, Ed.). Canberra: ANU Press.
Plumwood, V. (2002). Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason. London ; New York : Routledge.
Plumwood, V. (1993). Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. London ; New York : Routledge.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1975). The Fight For The Forests: The Takeover Of Australian Forests For Pines, Wood Chips And Intensive Forestry. Canberra: Australian National University.
Plumwood, V. (2018). Ecofeminist Analysis and the Culture of Ecological Denial. In L. Stevens, P. Tait, & D. Varney (Eds.), Feminist Ecologies: Changing Environments in the Anthropocene (pp. 97–112). Springer International Publishing.
Plumwood, V. (2017). The Environment. In A. Jaggar & I. Marion Young (Eds.), A Companion to Feminist Philosophy (pp. 213–222). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Plumwood, V. (2013). Nature in the Active Voice. In G. Harvey (Ed.), The Handbook of Contemporary Animism. Routledge.
Plumwood, V. (2012). Decolonizing Relationships with Nature. In W. (Bill) Adams & M. Mulligan (Eds.), Decolonizing Nature: Strategies for Conservation in a Post-colonial Era. Routledge.
Plumwood, V. (2010b). Nature, Self, and Gender: Feminism, Environmental Philosophy, and the Critique of Rationalism. In D. R. Keller (Ed.), Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions. John Wiley & Sons.
Plumwood, V. (2010a). Nature in the Active Voice. In R. Irwin (Ed.), Climate Change and Philosophy: Transformational Possibilities. Bloomsbury.
Plumwood, V. (2009). Environmental Justice. In R. C. Elliot (Ed.), Institutional Issues Involving Ethics And Justice - Volume I (pp. 329–351). EOLSS Publications.
Plumwood, V. (2007b). Journey to the Heart of Stone. In I. Beckett & T. Gifford (Eds.), Culture, Creativity and Environment: New Environmentalist Criticism. Brill Academic Publishing.
Plumwood, V. (2007a). Environmental Ethics. In J. Pretty, A. Ball, T. Benton, J. Guivant, D. R. Lee, D. Orr, M. Pfeffer, & H. Ward (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Environment and Society (1st edition). SAGE Publications Ltd.
Plumwood, V. (2005b). Toward a Progressive Naturalism. In T. Heyd (Ed.), Recognizing the autonomy of nature: Theory and practice (pp. 25–53). Columbia University Press.
Plumwood, V. (2005a). Belonging, Naming and Decolonisation. In Habitus: A Sense of Place (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Plumwood, V., & Van Dooren, T. (2005). Place, Politics, and Spirituality: An Interview. In L. D. Angeles, T. V. Dooren, & E. R. Orr (Eds.), Pagan Visions for a Sustainable Future. Llewellyn Worldwide.
Plumwood, V. (2004b). Inequality, Ecojustice, and Ecological Rationality. In J. S. Dryzek, D. Schlosberg, J. S. Dryzek, & D. Schlosberg (Eds.), The Environmental Politics Reader: Debating the Earth (Second Edition, Second Edition). Oxford University Press.
Plumwood, V. (2004a). Gender, Ecofeminism, and the Environment. In R. White (Ed.), Controversies in Environmental Sociology (pp. 43–60). Cambridge University Press.
Plumwood, V. (2002b). The Ecopolitics Debate and the Politics of Nature. In N. Holmstrom (Ed.), The Socialist Feminist Project: A Contemporary Reader in Theory and Politics. NYU Press.
Plumwood, V. (2002a). Feminism and the Logic of Alterity. In R. J. Falmagne & M. Hass (Eds.), Representing reason: Feminist theory and formal logic (pp. 45–70). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Plumwood, V. (2000). Ontological determinism and deep ecology: Evading the moral questions? In E. Katz, A. Light, & D. Rothenberg (Eds.), Beneath the surface: Critical essays in the philosophy of deep ecology. MIT Press.
Plumwood, V. (1999c). Forest Lover, Live Forever—A Philosophy of the Forests. In G. J. Borschmann (Ed.), The People’s Forest: A Living History of the Australian Bush. People’s Forest Press.
Plumwood, V. (1999b). Ecological ethics from rights to recognition: Multiple spheres of justice for humans, animals and nature. In N. Low (Ed.), Global Ethics and Environment. Routledge.
Plumwood, V. (1999a). Comment: Self-Realization or Man Apart? The Reed-Naess Debate. In N. Witoszek & A. Brennan (Eds.), Philosophical Dialogues: Arne Naess and the Progress of Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Plumwood, V. (1998b). Wilderness Skepticism and Wilderness Dualism. In J. B. Callicott & M. P. Nelson (Eds.), The Great New Wilderness Debate (pp. 652–690). University of Georgia Press.
Plumwood, V. (1998a). Paths Beyond Human-Centeredness: Lessons from Liberation Struggles. In A. Weston (Ed.), An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
Plumwood, V. (1996). The Ecopolitics Debate and the Politics of Nature. In K. J. Warren (Ed.), Ecological Feminism. Routledge & CRC Press.
Plumwood, V. (1994). Conversations with Gaia. In Living With Contradictions. Routledge.
Plumwood, V. (1990). Women, Humanity And Nature. In Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy. Routledge.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1989). Moral Dilemmas and the Logic of Deontic Notions. In G. Priest, R. Routley, & J. Norman (Eds.), Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent (pp. 653–702). Philosophia Verlag.
Plumwood, V., & Routley, R. (1986). The “Fight for the Forests” affair. In B. Martin, C. M. Barker, C. Manwell, & C. Pugh (Eds.), Intellectual Suppression: Australian Case Histories, Analysis and Respones (pp. 70–73). Angus & Robertson.
Routley, R., Plumwood, V., Meyer, R. K., & Brady, R. T. (1982). Relevant logics and their rivals. In R. Sylvan & R. Brady (Eds.), Relevant Logics and Their Rivals. Ridgeview.
Plumwood, V. (1982). Nuclear Power–Some Ethical and Social Dimensions. In T. Regan & D. VanDeVeer (Eds.), And justice for all: New introductory essays in ethics and public policy (pp. 116–138). Rowman & Littlefield.
Plumwood, V., & Routley, R. (1982). The Inadequacy of the Actual and the Real: Beyond Empiricism, Idealism and Mysticism. In W. Leinfellner (Ed.), Language and Ontology. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky / Reidel.
Plumwood, V., & Routley, R. (1980). Social Theories, Self Management, and Environmental Problems. In D. S. Mannison, M. A. McRobbie, & R. Sylvan (Eds.), Environmental Philosophy (pp. 217–332). Dept. Of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
Plumwood, V., & Routley, R. (1979). Against the Inevitability of Human Chauvinism. In K. E. Goodpaster & K. M. Sayre (Eds.), Ethics and problems of the 21st century. University of Notre Dame Press.
Plumwood, V. (2023). Some False Laws of Logic. The Australasian Journal of Logic, 20(2), Article 2.
Plumwood, V. (2020). Gaia, good for women? Refractory Girl: A Women’s Studies Journal, 41, 11–16.
Plumwood, V. (2008b). Tasteless: Towards a Food-Based Approach to Death. Environmental Values, 17(3), 323–330.
Plumwood, V. (2008a). Shadow Places and the Politics of Dwelling. Australian Humanities Review, 44.
Plumwood, V. (2007c). The Cemetery Wars: Cemeteries, Biodiversity and the Sacred. Local-Global: Identity, Security, Community, 3(2007), 54–71.
Plumwood, V. (2007b). Human Exceptionalism and the Limitations of Animals: A review of Raimond Gaita’s ‘The Philosopher’s Dog.’ Australian Humanities Review, 42.
Plumwood, V. (2007a). A review of Deborah Bird Rose’s ‘Reports from a Wild Country: Ethics for Decolonisation.’ Australian Humanities Review, 42.
Plumwood, V. (2006). The Concept of a Cultural Landscape: Nature, Culture and Agency in the Land. Ethics and the Environment, 11(2), 115–150.
Plumwood, V. (2005b). The Fraser Island Dingo Cull and the Ethics of Negotiation. Philosophy Activism Nature, 3, 12–21.
Plumwood, V. (2005a). Decolonising Australian gardens: Gardening and the ethics of place – AHR. Australian Humanities Review, 36.
Plumwood, V. (2003). The Fight for the Forests revisited. Dialogue (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia), 23(1), 34–43.
Plumwood, V. (2002). Decolonising relationships with nature. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, 2, 7–30.
Plumwood, V. (2001). Nature as Agency and the Prospects for a Progressive Naturalism. Capitalism Nature Socialism.
Plumwood, V. (2000c). Remembering Judith Wright. Arena Magazine, 49, 44.
Plumwood, V. (2000b). Integrating Ethical Frameworks for Animals, Humans, and Nature: A Critical Feminist Eco-Socialist Analysis. Ethics & the Environment, 5(2), 285–322.
Plumwood, V. (2000a). A wombat wake: In memoriam Birubi. Animal Issues, 4(1).
Plumwood, V. (1999c). The Struggle for Environmental Philosophy in Australia. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology.
Plumwood, V. (1999b). Inequality, Ecojustice and Ecological Rationality. Ecotheology: Journal of Religion, Nature & the Environment, 5(5/6), 185.
Plumwood, V. (1999a). Feminist betrayals: Jean Curthoys, Feminist Amnesia: The Wake of Women’s Liberation. Arena Journal, 13, 143–162.
Plumwood, V. (1998b). The Crisis of Reason, the Rationalist Market, and Global Ecology. Millennium, 27(4), 903–925.
Plumwood, V. (1998a). Intentional Recognition and Reductive Rationality: A Response to John Andrews. Environmental Values, 7(4), 397–421.
Plumwood, V. (1998). Knowledge in an Ethical Framework of Care. Australian Journal of Environmental Management.
Plumwood, V. (1997c). Prospecting for Ecological Gold Amongst the Platonic Forms: A Response to Timothy Mahoney. Ethics and the Environment, 2(2), 149–168.
Plumwood, V. (1997b). Babe: The Tale of the Speaking Meat - Part II. Animal Issues, 1(2).
Plumwood, V. (1997a). Babe: The Tale of the Speaking Meat - Part I. Animal Issues, 1(1).
Plumwood, V. (1996c). Free market deep ecology. The Ecologist, 26(5).
Plumwood, V. (1996b). Contesting the Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity. The Ecologist, 26(5), 234–236.
Plumwood, V. (1996a). Androcentrism and Anthrocentrism: Parallels and Politics. Ethics and the Environment, 1(2), 119–152.
Plumwood, V. (1995b). Human vulnerability and the experience of being prey. Quadrant, 39(3), 29–34.
Plumwood, V. (1995a). Has democracy failed ecology? An Ecofeminist perspective. Environmental Politics, 4(4), 134–168.
Plumwood, V. (1994b). Civic Lores. Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic), 13, 25–28.
Plumwood, V., & Kenan, S. (1994a). Military displays. Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic), 9, 37–39.
Plumwood, V. (1993b). The Politics of Reason: Towards a Feminist Logic. Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Plumwood, V. (1993a). Feminism and ecofeminism: Beyond the Dualistic Assumptions of Women, Men and Nature. Society and Nature, 1(2), 36–51.
Plumwood, V. (1992c). The Atavism of Flighty Females. The Ecologist, 22(1), 36.
Plumwood, V. (1992b). SealsKin. Meanjin, 51(1), 45–57.
Plumwood, V. (1992a). Current trends in ecofeminism. TheEcologist, 22(1).
Plumwood, V. (1991b). Nature, Self, and Gender: Feminism, Environmental Philosophy, and the Critique of Rationalism. Hypatia, 6(1), 3–27.
Plumwood, V. (1991a). Ethics and Instrumentalism: A Response to Janna Thompson. Environmental Ethics, 13(2), 139–149.
Plumwood, V. (1990). Plato and the Bush: Philosophy and the Environment in Australia. Meanjin, 49(3), 524–536.
Plumwood, V. (1989). Do We Need a Sex/Gender Distinction? Radical Philosophy, 51.
Plumwood, V. (1988). Women, Humanity and Nature. Radical Philosophy, 48, 16.
Plumwood, V. (1986). Ecofeminism: An Overview and Discussion of Positions and Arguments. Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Plumwood, V. (1983). Semantical Foundations for Value Theory. Noûs, 17(3), 441–456.
Plumwood, V., & Routley, R. (1982). World rainforest destruction: The social factors. TheEcologist, 12(1), 4–22.
Plumwood, V., & Routledge, R. (1982). The Irrefutability of Anarchism. Social Alternatives, 2(3), 23–29.
Plumwood, V. (1981). On Karl Marx as an Environmental Hero. Environmental Ethics, 3(3), 237–244.
Plumwood, V. (1978). Nuclear energy and obligations to the future. Inquiry, 21(1–4), 133–179.
Plumwood, V. (1975b). Passmore, J.: “Man’s Responsibility for Nature.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 53(n/a), 171.
Plumwood, V. (1975a). Critical notice of Passmore’s Man’s responsibility for nature. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 53(2), 171–185.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1979). The (logical) importance of not existing. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue Canadienne de Philosophie, 18(2), 129–165.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1978). Nuclear energy and obligations to the future. Inquiry, 21(1–4), 133–179.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1973b). Ryle’s reductio ad absurdum argument. Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1973a). Rehabilitating Meinong’s Theory of Objects. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 27(104/105 (2/3)), 224–254.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1972b). The Semantics of First Degree Entailment. Noûs, 6(4), 335–359.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1972a). Pine Planting and Environmental Irresponsibility. The Australian Quarterly, 44(4), 5–27.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1970). Categories – expressions or things? Theoria, 35(3), 215–238.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1969b). Categories – expressions or things? Theoria, 35(3), 215–238.
Routley, R., & Plumwood, V. (1969a). A Fallacy of Modality. Noûs, 3(2), 129–153.
Plumwood, V. (2007, February 25). Ecopolitical debate and the politics of Nature.
Saunders, A., & Plumwood, V. (2007, September 15). Can environmental philosophy save the world? In ABC listen. ABC Radio National.
Saunders, A., Plumwood, V., Brady, S., Harrison, M. French, J. Two Fires Burning. (2005, April 15). In ABC listen.
Plumwood, V. (1996). Environmental Education, Liberatory Education and Place-Sensitive Narrative. In B. Jickling (Ed.), Proceedings of a colloquium / Colloquium on Environment, Ethics, and Education: Held to the explore the themes what environmental ethics can do for teachers, what teachers can do for environmental ethics ; hosted at Yukon College, Whitehorse, Yukon, July 14—16, 1995 (pp. 76–89). Yukon College.
Val’s PhD Thesis: Plumwood, V. (1990). Women of the Mysterious Forest: Women, Nature, and Philosophy. An exploration of self and gender in relation to traditional dualisms in western culture [Australian National University].
Video of Val recounting the crocodile attack from her hospital bed:Philosopher Val Plumwood recounts near death encounter with crocodile. (1985). Australian Broadcasting Channel.
Documentary where Val returns to Kakadu for the first time after her attack: Grieg, D. (Director). (1988). Kakadu—Land of the Crocodile. Kestrel Film & Video Pty Ltd.
Can environmental philosophy save the world? (ABC Radio National, 15 September 2001)
Alan Saunders and Val Plumwood discuss on The Philosophers Zone on ABC Radio National.
Philosopher Val Plumwood recounts near death encounter with crocodile (ABC 1985)
Val Plumwood recounts her close encounter with a crocodile while canoeing through Kakadu National Park from her hospital bed.
Ecopolitical debate and the politics of Nature (DPU, 2006)
Val Plumwood on the politics of Nature at DPU 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Val Plumwood Connections
Plumwood Mountain Journal
Bush Retreats for Eco Writers (BREW)
Australian Environmental Humanities Hub
Environmental Humanities Journal
Shadow Places Network
Hyde, D. (2023). Val (Routley) Plumwood: Work in Logic. The Australasian Journal of Logic, 20(2), Article 2.
Matthews, B. & Rigby, K. (2023, May 27). Dr Val Plumwood [Broadcast]. In Radical Philosophy. 3CR Community Radio.
Adams, P. & French, J. (2021, May 13). Jackie French on writing women, animals and rocks into history—ABC listen [Broadcast]. In Late Night Live. ABC Radio National.
Gelonesi, J. & Hyde, D. (2014, April 20). Two lives, green and logical [Broadcast]. In ABC listen. ABC Radio National.,-green-and-logical/5380460
Hyde, D. (2014). Eco-Logical Lives: The Philosophical Lives of Richard Routley/Sylvan and Val Routley/Plumwood. White Horse Press.
Rose, D. B. (2013). Val Plumwood’s Philosophical Animism: Attentive Interactions in the Sentient World. Environmental Humanities, 3(1), 93–109.
Curry, P. (2010). Some Remarks on Val Plumwood. Green Letters.
Hyde, D. (2009). Two in the Bush: The Environmental Philosophy of Val Routley/Plumwood and Richard Routley/Sylvan. Southerly, 69(1), 57–78.
French, J. (2008). Memories of Val Plumwood.
Green, K. (2008). Val Plumwood. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 86(2), 343–344.
Mulligan, M. (2008). Sisters of unsettling eloquence: Val Plumwood and Judith Wright.
Mathews, F. (2008a). Vale Val: In Memory of Val Plumwood. Environmental Values, 17(3), 317–321.
Mathews, F. (2008b, March 26). Val Plumwood. The Guardian.
Bird Rose, D. (2008). Obituary: Val Plumwood (1939-2008). Australian Humanities Review.
Brown, B. (2008, March 12). Matters of Public Interest: Dr Val Plumwood [Parliamentary Record].;query=Id:%22chamber/hansards/2008-03-12/0053%22;src1=sm1
Burke, G. (2008). Val Plumwood Obituary. Braidwood Times.
Cohen, I. (2008, March 6). Ian-cohen-addres-to-parliament.doc [Parliamentary Record].
Fijn, N. (2024). Entangled Plumwoods: Stewardship as Grassroots Conservation Humanities. Humanities, 13(1), Article 1.
Potter, E., Miller, F., Lövbrand, E., Houston, D., McLean, J., O’Gorman, E., Evers, C., & Ziervogel, G. (2022). A manifesto for shadow places: Re-imagining and co-producing connections for justice in an era of climate change. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(1), 272–292.
Coombe, Z. (2020) “Plumwood.” An A to Z of Shadow Places Concepts.
Eckert, M., & Donahue, C. (2020). Towards a Feminist Logic: Val Plumwood’s Legacy and Beyond. In D. Hyde (Ed.), Noneist Explorations II: The Sylvan Jungle—Volume 3 (Synthese Library, 432) (pp. 424–448).
Griffin, N. (2017). Val Plumwood 1939–2008. In Key Thinkers on the Environment. Routledge.
Fijn, N. (2016). A Shadow Place: Plumwood Mountain. Landscapes: The Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language, 7(1).
Warren, K. J. (2015). Feminist Environmental Philosophy. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2015). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
Rose, D. B. (2013). Val Plumwood’s Philosophical Animism: Attentive Interactions in the Sentient World. Environmental Humanities, 3(1), 93–109.
Fijn, N. (2013). Living with Crocodiles: Engagement with a Powerful Reptilian Being. Animal Studies Journal, 2(2), 1–27.
Roelvink, G., Gibson, K., & Graham, J. (2009). A Postcapitalist Politics of Dwelling: Ecological Humanities and Community Economies in Conversation. Australian Humanities Review.
Van Dooren, T. (2009). Genetic Conservation in a Climate of Loss: Thinking with Val Plumwood.
Mallory, C. (2009). Val Plumwood and Ecofeminist Political Solidarity: Standing with the Natural Other. Ethics and the Environment, 14(2), 3–21.
Diehm, C. (2002). Arne Naess, Val Plumwood, and Deep Ecological Subjectivity: A Contribution to the “Deep Ecology-Ecofeminism Debate.” Ethics and the Environment, 7(1), 24–38.
Dr. Val Plumwood (Radical Philosophy, on 3CR Community Radio, 27 May 2003)
Kate Rigby and Beth Matthews discuss the legacy of Dr. Val Plumwood on Radical Philosophy.
Philosophy and Ecology (The Philosophers Zone, ABC Radio National, 18 April 2021)
Lara Stevens discusses the ongoing relevance of Val Plumwood’s work in the face of contemporary ecological crises with David Rutledge, on the Philosopher’s Zone.
Author, historian and ecologist Jackie French AM discusses writing women into war history, her close friendship with the philosopher Val Plumwood, wombat culture and more with Phillip Adams on Late Night Live.